
PVC Boards – Types & Its Pros & Cons

1,459 ViewsPVC is the most versatile material. Due to their durability and affordability, boards made from them are extensively used in indoor and outdoor construction projects. The chemical composition and the full form PVC, Poly Vinyl Chloride, is widely used in advertising and construction industries. The lightweight properties make them ideal for manufacturing furniture for […]


915 ViewsMINERAL MOTOR OIL.? Mineral oil is the most natural in terms of its components: it is obtained from refined crude oil. It was the first to be used on old vehicles: it was originally called monograde, ie it had only one viscosity index. This posed a problem because a monograde oil has very large […]

Drug addiction: treatment

684 Viewsexplains what you can do to improve your health or what professionals can offer you during a consultation. Good reading ! What is it about ? Addiction to substances such as alcohol, sleeping pills and painkillers, painkillers and drugs is a common problem that sometimes goes unnoticed for a long time. Sometimes those around […]